Today I chat with Celena McBryde.
Celena is a dynamic heart healing speaker, coach and author, as well as the Founder of The Introverts Heart.
She leads the Hearties community, a group dedicated to spreading hope, compassion, and love with a deep understanding of life challenges.
Celena offers guidance on personal growth and self-discovery through her podcast, Let's Talk About It with Celena. Her work emphasizes authenticity, empowerment, and the rediscovery of joy.
On this episode we chat about what it is like to be an introvert and an entrepreneur.
We do our best to debunk the myth that introverts are rude or cannot be entrepreneurs.
"That's part of being resilient, you may go through things, we may struggle, but it's how you get back up. And I think that the new message, should be resilience other than strong, because strong implies there's no weakness. Resilience means you kind of go through it and come back the other side." -Celena
Angel: "Tell us what it's like, one, being an introvert, and two, what it's like being an introvert and an entrepreneur."
Celena: "For me, I am one of those being an INFJ, and we're just different. I can be what I have to be for the situation, so I am an introvert with an extrovert qualities.
If I'm in a situation and there needs to be a leader and no one else will do it, then I'll do it."
"But if someone else needs to be the leader, and we all know that person that needs to be the leader, if they're there and want to do it, and I feel like letting them do it, I'm like, okay, you know what I mean?"
"So I'm a different kind of introvert, but the difference between an introvert and an extrovert is how we recover, really. Like, an introvert, we're so much in our heads. So it takes a lot for us to, you know, usually go and do the extroverted thing with people."

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